Hi I’m Bec!

Throughout my life and career I have always searched for situations and collaborative positions which entice, attract and stretch my creative and technical skill set. I constantly view projects and situations I am working within as challenges to grow as a designer, an architect and a communicator.

My inspiration comes from the world around me - I view it as an artist, a designer, an architect. I see beauty in materials, shadows, colour, light, form, texture and connections; both in the natural world and that crafted by humans. I appreciate places that respond and change with the natural phases of the day and with the seasons. I am also moved by spaces and objects that are designed by people who are passionate about what they create.

I believe the design of buildings and products should consider; the relationship to the people who use them, the environment surrounding them and an awareness of their social and ethical impacts.

I strive to conceive aesthetic, functional and ‘green’ environs which are a joy to inhabit.

FAIF vision + values


FAIF believes in aiming for the ideal.

Our core values are integrity for design, the planet and the community. We strive to produce aesthetically valuable products and spaces which have inherent value to their users and the people that make them. The relationship of the maker and the owner is held within the object. Ideally these pieces/spaces/buildings will be highly valued and durable to enable longevity, yet at finality they are able to be disassembled and recycled.

Their contribution to space is also imperative. All spaces and objects are designed with the health of the maker and the occupant in mind. For healthy indoor air quality, where appropriate, natural materials will be used first, and secondly materials which do not emit VOCs.

Beautiful spaces and products often refer to the natural, give us balance and enable ease of living, ergonomically and without harm. They also give us joy and connection which imbeds itself into our psyche and our beings, fostering harmony in the world.

From the beginning…

As a teenager growing up in Tasmania I was witness to one of the most defining moments of my life. The destruction of temperate rainforest.

Seeing large trees being handled by such efficient machinery, held, then cut instantly at their base, branches and bark being ripped carelessly away, the sudden sway of the canopy and final CRACK of being piled atop one another, created a sense of grief within me. All for what? Wood chips.

This instilled a fight that still resonates deeply for the forests and the environment as a whole.

At Deakin University I tutored ESD in my final years and have since returned tutoring Advance Environmental Control at UTS after maintaining a green approach in my practice as an architect. I advocate for the use FSC timber but also value quality timbers and hope that by using them for small high quality pieces of work their value will one day be realized.

The study of aesthetics and landscape in my Honors thesis bed down my connection to design and the importance of beauty in our environment. In undertaking this research I learnt that if people have a personal connection or relationship to something they are more likely to value it aesthetically. Fostering the appreciation of design and craftmanship is core to my practice.

below… a few photos from my travels